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Secure Coding For C# Developers (June 2023 - 2 days)

In the Secure Coding for C# Developers course, students get familiar with security principles, in particular concepts that are relevant for C# programmers. This course takes students through the security issues intrinsic to the C# programming languages and associated libraries. The course consists of two parts, a theoretical lecture-based part providing the basics around various topics like security in general, cryptography, authentication & authorization, injection attacks and secure coding, as well as a hands-on practical part. After this course, the participants will be able to develop robust and secure C# applications.

CODE Training

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Price Information

1Attendance fee per person$ 1,600.00
Total:$ 1,600.00

Payment Information (Credit Card) American Express Discover Card Master Card VISA

* Note: The credit card address needs to match the address associated with the credit card. This address may be different from the billing address.