Michael L Perry
Michael is a software generalist, producing mobile, desktop, and enterprise solutions. He codes in both C# and Java, and applies the lessons learned from each to the other.
By day, Michael is a solutions architect at AmerisourceBergen Specialty Group where he delivers high quality enterprise software in .NET to support the pharmaceutical industry. By night, he writes mobile applications in Java for the Android platform. He blogs his discoveries along the way at Adventures In Software (http://adventuresinsoftware.com/blog).
Articles Authored
INotifyPropertyChanged Is Obsolete
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2009 - July/August
The INotifyPropertyChanged interface, while easy to implement, is hard to consume.Registering for notification events requires extra bookkeeping code that obfuscates business logic. Update Controls is an open source library that replaces event-based data binding with automatic discovery and updating. Powerful yet difficult patterns become simple.