Dan Jurden

Dan Jurden

Senior Software Developer

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)

Daniel Jurden, Senior Software Developer specializing in SQL Server & Crystal Reports

A Microsoft Certified Professional, Dan Jurden has over 10 years of experience developing Client-Server applications using .NET, SQL Server, Visual FoxPro and Crystal Reports. Dan co-authored Creating Visual FoxPro Applications using Visual FoxExpress with Bob Archer (a book published by Hentzenwerke Publishing), and he was the Technical Editor for CrysDev: A Developer’s Guide to Integrating Crystal Reports (also published by Hentzenwerke). Dan has also authored articles for CoDe, FoxTalk, MSDN Brazil, SDGN Magazine and Universal Thread magazines dealing with SQL Server, .NET, Visual FoxPro and other subjects, as well as presenting topics at the German Visual FoxPro Developers Conference, Essential Fox Conference, SQL Server Live!, SDC Netherlands and Great Lakes Great Database Workshop conferences.


• SQL Server
• C#
• Visual FoxPro
• Crystal Reports
• n-Tier Development
• Visual SourceSafe
• Database design and normalization

Detailed Bio

Daniel Jurden, Senior Software Developer specializing in SQL Server & Crystal Reports

A Microsoft Certified Professional, Dan Jurden has over 10 years of experience developing Client-Server applications using .NET, SQL Server, Visual FoxPro and Crystal Reports. Dan co-authored Creating Visual FoxPro Applications using Visual FoxExpress with Bob Archer (a book published by Hentzenwerke Publishing), and he was the Technical Editor for CrysDev: A Developer’s Guide to Integrating Crystal Reports (also published by Hentzenwerke). Dan has also authored articles for CoDe, FoxTalk, MSDN Brazil, SDGN Magazine and Universal Thread magazines dealing with SQL Server, .NET, Visual FoxPro and other subjects, as well as presenting topics at the German Visual FoxPro Developers Conference, Essential Fox Conference, SQL Server Live!, SDC Netherlands and Great Lakes Great Database Workshop conferences.


  • SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • C#
  • VB .NET
  • Visual FoxPro
  • Crystal Reports
  • n-Tier Development
  • Visual SourceSafe
  • Database design and normalization

Articles Authored