Teresa Burger

Teresa Burger

Senior Software Developer

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP)

Teresa Burger is passionate about building great user experiences for business applications, and believes that relationship starts at the UI. This has led to a strong foundation in Business ERP Development where she has focused many years of her career. Prior to that, her work with blind and visually impaired users sparked her passion for true usability. When she and her husband are not writing code, they can be found at any number of local user groups. Teresa graduated from Southern Oregon University with a degree in Computer Programming and Software Engineering and is currently a Microsoft MVP for Windows Platform Development and a Microsoft Certified Trainer.

Detailed Bio

Teresa Burger is passionate about building great user experiences for business applications, and believes that relationship starts at the UI. This has led to a strong foundation in Business ERP Development where she has focused many years of her career. Prior to that, her work with blind and visually impaired users sparked her passion for true usability. When she and her husband are not writing code, they can be found at any number of local user groups. Teresa graduated from Southern Oregon University with a degree in Computer Programming and Software Engineering and is currently a Microsoft MVP for Windows Platform Development and a Microsoft Certified Trainer.